​"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each month your child will be introduced to a new theme. Science, art, music, movement, language arts, and math concepts are incorporated into these themes. Themes are selected according to seasons, holidays and age appropriate interests. Every year your child’s curriculum will revolve around a new set of themes. Children will be able to base new knowledge on previous theme work.
We also offer preschool enrichment classes throughout the school year. They include classes such as Spanish, ballet, gymnastics, soccer, yoga, and science. There is something for every individual.
The teachers work with each child as an individual to help him/her adjust to a group setting, communicate their needs to a teacher, take care of their personal belongings and their classroom. The children are encouraged to become aware of other people’s needs, how to take turns, and find solutions to basic problems. Early literacy skills are sharpened through storytelling, puppetry, poems, songs and fingerplays. Math concepts, such as counting, patterns, sizes, colors and shapes are learned through hands on games and manipulatives. Pre-nursery students discover science through all five senses as they learn about the world we live in.
The children are encouraged to become aware of other people’s needs, how to take turns, and find solutions to basic problems. Early literacy skills are sharpened through storytelling, puppetry, poems, songs and fingerplays. Math concepts, such as counting, patterns, sizes, colors and shapes are learned through hands on games and manipulatives. Pre-nursery students discover science through all five senses as they learn about the world we live in.
​The teachers encourage cooperative play and encourage children to problem solve together. Children are encouraged to work and play in small groups as well as alone. The children have ample opportunity to role play. Independence and a positive sense of self is fostered through mastering new skills, caring for our school environment, and mastering life skills. Children are encouraged to express their own thoughts and ideas about the world around them. Children are encouraged to persist at a task, follow two-step directions, clean up after themselves, cooperate as a group, and have fun.
Emerging literacy skills are fostered through language games, stories, poetry, songs, rhymes, riddles and phonics. Children are encouraged to write their first and last names, make up their own stories and poems, label their art work, practice writing the letters of the alphabet, put letter sounds together and form written words. Children are introduced to basic math concepts such as counting to 100, counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, recognizing and writing numbers. Classification of objects by, size, shape and color, identifying opposites, making comparisons, graphing and identifying AB and ABC patterns are incorporated into weekly lessons and monthly themes. Pre-K students become little scientists as they work out science theories, cook, conduct experiments, and make observations about our natural world. Science is incorporated into each monthly theme and the school collaborates to promote environmental awareness and good stewardship, which contributes to a cleaner and healthier community and planet.